Friday, October 3, 2008

Every Day A New Day

I was telling someone the other day that it seems every day I wake up in a new world. I don't really think I'm that bad but it seems that way some times. I was thinking about that and every day is a new day, a new chance to do what we should and clean slate to work off of. I think it was Paul who wrote if we put our hand to the plow and look back we are not worthy of God. I you remember where that's found send it to me. Seems fitting for a guy who used to kill Christians and then became one himself. Here is some words of wisdom "Don't let the past drag you down" and guess what yesterday is in the past.


Drew Coffman said...

Having JUST read this passage a few days ago, I can tell you it was actually Jesus in Luke 9. I can certainly imagine, however, these words deeply impacting Paul as he begins to work through them.

The past is the past and we are called to be in the present - in the moment where God resides. We will never progress if we are stuck in our former faults, our past lives. Instead, let's push forward, knowing God is in control and unimaginably merciful.

Pastor John said...

I stand corrected, Luke 9:62 it is. I hope Paul said something like that to Timothy as well. :)

Pat Hankins said...

Come on Pastor John, know your Bible!!