Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Running (from Saul)

I am not a very good runner. I don't literally mean running although I used to run in high school, I mean turning from things when God says too and keeping my mouth shut when he says too like David running from Saul. I have this urge down deep that has to justify myself, I try to leave the situation alone and let God justify me but it becomes hard when he doesn't do it by the next morning. That's why I say I am not a very good runner. If God had David to run from Saul for so long before making him king I wonder if there are situations in my life I am to bare for awhile. Is this to teach me humility like Paul and his thorn, is this to develop some character traits that I am presently lacking, or is running part of the overall attack plan. I like this thought its not running its a strategic withdraw to build my character for a final victory. Maybe that thought will help me keep my mouth shut when it comes time to run. :)

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