Friday, December 5, 2008

The Love Dare Cont.

Have I mentioned this is harder than I thought? I am falling behind with all this stuff it wants me to do. I know it is one thing a day and you are going WOW you can't do one thing a day for your wife, but it is a specific thing and sometimes you almost literally have to plan your day around that one thing. Its deer season I am booked solid trying to find the deer that have mysteriously disappeared from our area, how am I supposed to find time to do something meaningful for my wife like the dishes? OK so seriously I probably need to try a little harder but don't judge till you have been through this because it is harder than you think. I don't mean to sound like a bad husband I believe I am a good husband and my wife would agree. We have been married over three years and we are still in the honey moon stage which is great but you try to dedicate yourself for 40 days to doing something for your wife everyday and see if it is just soooooo easy.

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