Monday, May 12, 2008

Workin Hard

So I have been thinking about doing a trial membership at a fitness center. You know the whole get into shape, be healthier, live longer stuff. Well I was out in my yard working this weekend. I am still getting the front yard leveled and filling in the side yard, I'll put new pics up soon. This project is taking longer than I expected. But I was out working on it some more and it occurred to me why pay someone else to workout on there machines when I can take the same time and do things in my yard or around my house and have a free work out that also gets my to-do list done. I realize of course that this does not target specific muscle groups, but it will keep me in shape and healthy. There you go my cheap side has once again justified why I should work harder and spend less money. :)


Pat Hankins said...

Nice in theory, but I hate yardwork!!

Plow Boy said...

Either way, it takes self discipline!

sassy chic said...

I think Pastor Pat and Plowboy here should get to the gym!

Pat Hankins said...

I was going to the gym till I hurt myself bowling... yes I KNOW I am getting old...