Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Self Control

So in Galatians 5:23 it names self control as one of the fruits of a Godly spirit. My question is self control the same as self discipline? I think of self control as controlling your emotions and actions in hard situations and self discipline as being disciplined enough to do what you are supposed to when you don't really want to, but don't those things overlap? You are controlling yourself when you are making yourself be disciplined. My point is I have been thinking of the prayer I am committing myself to in order to see the demonic manipulation of our church and my family broken. I do not feel like praying lets be honest when the spirit is upon us we are charged up ready to fast and pray for days on end, but when the feeling leaves we are like "Why God I said a prayer already". I have been reading some of C.S. Lewis's book "The Screwtape letters" in it he makes a comment about demons wanting to get Christians to link feelings and spirit together so they can manipulate the feelings and control the spirit. Of course its C.S. Lewis so that is my interpretation of the very complicated comment he makes. So here I am thinking about whether self discipline is the same as self control therefore making it a spiritual fruit that we should be utilizing and seeing utilized by other Christians as well. So all ya'll Christians out there help me out (throw me a bone here) what do you think?

1 comment:

sassy chic said...

Well self discipline requires self control otherwise there would be no self discipline. I think they are pretty close to the same thing. Some things may be different but the core is the same.