First, if you haven't checked out New Jersey Jesus Blog you should just look in my blog log and check it out. So I am now officially a member of the Jesus Band aid Club. Wow I did not know they would come so fast but I got them in the mail today. Way cool. Talk about a good platform to teach your children about the healing power of Jesus (if you have kids). So we are preaching on Righteous Role Models from the Bible at my church, the pastoral staff rotate turns, and mine is Moses any ideas how to work the band aids in to my sermon? The band aid box actually reads "Perfect for cuts, scraps, locust bites, or other minor boo-boos." That's exactly what the Egyptians needed when God sent the plague of locust on them for not letting His people go (Exodus 10). BIG THANKS to New Jersey Jesus for sending me this awesome prop.
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