Thursday, May 1, 2008

Body Work

So I have a corner on my truck that needs some work. It has been rusting out for years and it started before I bought it. So now I get to fix the mess. Ever feel like your fixin messes other people should have known better than to create? I feel your pain, but I always learn allot by the time I get finished.


Trudy said...

You definitely live in my world! You know, here in Eutopia. I am constantly having to drive over to the real world and solve somebody's problems. It's such a struggle...{sigh with back of hand touching forehead}

sassy chic said...

I don't know what you are talking about. I have always had people surrounding me that always take care of their own issues and I NEVER have to undo or fix anything! :/ if you believe that you will believe anything! I feel your pain! But I will point out that you bought like that!

Plow Boy said...

If you need to learn some more, I've got projects at my house that have been on my "Honey Do" list for ....