Thursday, May 8, 2008

Take your own Advice

That's exactly what I am doing this afternoon. I will be spending time today building up a fellow christian by just being there and listening. Tomorrow I will be sitting down to supper with another fellow christian and doing the same thing. I am ready to "invest more of myself" as Pastor P said last night. I could argue myself out of it with an endless list of things at the church that need done or things at my house that still need done, but I am shutting off the analytical side of my brain and just going for it. I hope God will bless my small efforts and help guide conversation to His end and not mine. So if you have been handing out advice lately here is a gentle reminder to remember to follow such good advice. :)


Pat Hankins said...

Make sure you shave first!!! :-)

Pastor John said...

Yea, Yea , Yea